What can I expect in a counselling session?

Sessions typically last 45-60 minutes, though longer sessions can be arranged if needed. We recommend weekly sessions. Between sessions, clients are encouraged to reflect on what was discussed. You may also be asked to do specific tasks, like reading or practising skills. Active participation during and between sessions is essential for effective therapy

What benefits can I expect from counselling?

Participating in counseling offers many benefits. It can be comforting to know someone understands you. Counseling provides a fresh perspective on problems and can guide you toward solutions. The benefits you gain depend on how well you engage with the process and apply what you learn.

Do you accept insurance?

There is a confusing array of insurance arrangements. If you please check with your insurance provider if mental health is covered and how many sessions per calendar year does your plan cover? It is also useful to know how much is deductible and then get in touch to discuss arrangements. 

How many sessions should I expect?

Our service is personalised to you, so the number of sessions  varies. Typically, there is an average of 6-8 sessions per issue raised. However, we can discuss this after your initial assessment. 

What is Mental Health Mentoring?

This is a practical support system for individuals facing mental health challenges, or specific struggles. It is a space to share experiences, while learning skills and strategies to help manage these challenges and work towards goals.

Will my sessions be confidential?

All sessions are confidential. However, if you are considered a risk to yourself or others, the counsellor may break confidentiality to contact the appropriate parties to ensure safety. This is usually done with your knowledge. 

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the skill of staying present in the present moment and paying attention to what is happening around us. Research shows using this skills can help improve quality of sleep, relieve stress, reduce anxiety and negative feelings.


Mindfulness is the practice of staying present and aware of the moment. Research shows it can improve sleep quality, relieve stress, and reduce anxiety and negative feelings.

What can I expect in Assertiveness Training?

In our sessions, we'll discuss the challenges of using assertive communication and find ways to overcome them. You'll learn a strategy to help with assertiveness, and we'll practice it together as needed.

What is walk and talk counselling?

Walk-and-talk sessions are like regular counselling sessions, focusing on talking with your counsellor and working through your concerns. However, these sessions take place outdoors while you walk together. This approach includes light physical activity, the calming effect of nature, and the relaxation of not being confined to an office. It's a holistic approach to mental health treatment and we choose walking routes that ensure your confidentiality.


Email: info@harrisplushealth.co.uk

Phone: 01249 477775

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